Friday, August 26, 2011


Nature  performs its actions in a cyclical manner. It moves through Its orbit around the sun and the seasons turn like a greal wheel. There are many waxs in which this it marked. Astrologically it is marked by the position of the sun over the earth. There are four special position. The Summer Solstice, when the day is longest ( June 21 ), The Winter Solstice, when the day is the shortest ( Decemeber 21 ),  The Vernal Equinox ( March 23 ) and the Autumnal Equinox ( September 23 ), when the days and nights are equal. ( These are dates for the northern hemisphere: In the southern hemisphere the the dates are offset by six months ).

WINTER SOLSTICE ( YULE ): This occurs on about the 21st of December in the northern hemisphere and on or about the 21st of June in the southern hemisphere. This the shortest day of the year and marks the middle of winter. As it turns into spring After this, the days grow longer as the spring approaches.

IMBOLC: This is when the snow begins to melt and the fist signs of spring emerge. In the northern hemisphere it occurs on February the 2nd ( Ground Hog Day ) And in southern hemisphere it occurs on the 1st of August.

SPRING EQUINOX ( OSTARA ): This is often noted as the first official ady of spring. It occurs in the northern hemisphere on or about March 21st and or about September21st in the southern hemisphere. On the equinox day and night are equal in the length. Early planting begins now as does the breed of animals. From here, the days grow longer as summer is fast approaching.

BELTANE: This happens in te northern hemisphere on May 1st ( known as may day ) And in the southern hemisphere on October 31st. By this time most if not all crops are planted in preparation for the summer growing season.

SUMMER SOLSTICE( LITHA ): As known as midsummer, this is the longest day of the year. From here the days grow shorter as the harvest season and winter begins to approach. In the northern hemisphere  it occurs on or about the 21st of June. And in the southern hemisphere it occurs on or about the 21st of December.

LAMMAS ( LUGHASADH ): This occurs on or about August 1st in the northern hemisphere and the 2nd of Febuary in the southern hemisphere. This marks the first major harvests
of the year. When the stocks for the coming winter would be put into storage.

FALL EQUINOX ( MABON ): This falls on the 21st of September in the northern hemisphere and the 21st of March in the southern hemisphere. on the Equinox, Day and night are equal in length. This marks the beginning of early fall. From here the days grow even shorter as winter is quickly approaching.

SAMHAIN ( HALLOWEEN ): This happens in the northern hemisphere on the 31st of October and in the Southern hemisphere on the first of May. This marks the last season. By now the crops have been brought in, and preparations for the winter to come are in full swing. ( this also marks the witches New Year )

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